Mini Abdominoplasty

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Suitable for patients who have little sagging skin in the lower abdominal region, commonly after pregnancy and/or weight loss.

Suitable for patients who have little sagging skin in the lower abdominal region, commonly after pregnancy and/or weight loss.

The scar will be above the pubis, extending to the flanks (the size of the scar will depend on the extent of the leftover skin, so that there are no “residual flaps”).

The name “mini”, therefore, does not mean that the scar will be small. This procedure preserves the original navel, so if it is low, the procedure is not suitable, opting instead for a conventional abdominoplasty with navel reconstruction.

We can also correct diastasis, which is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, using sutures that bring the muscle bellies closer together.

When combined with liposuction, a more harmonious body contour is achieved.

It is important to have the surgery when your weight is more in line with your height, because if you lose weight after the procedure, your skin may sag again.

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Regarding post-operative care, we recommend avoiding driving for the first 15 days.

We also recommend avoiding carrying any weight over 2 kg in the first 2 months.

The use of a post-surgical brace is also usually indicated for this period.

The use of drains is commonplace, and they are removed when the output over 24 hours falls below 100mL.

However, punctures may be necessary to remove the fluid, using syringes and needles. This liquid is called seroma, which the body produces to fill the space where the removed tissue used to be.

Initially, it will be red in color and mixed with blood residue; over time, its color will become more yellowish and fluid in appearance.

Special dressings and healing creams will be prescribed as you progress.

The result usually appears in the third month, stabilizing in the sixth month after surgery.

With regard to risks, it should be noted that, anywhere in the world, an informed consent form will be provided, which include: Unfavorable scarring, bleeding (hematoma), infection, skin blemishes, fluid accumulation (seroma), anesthetic risks, poor healing, skin necrosis, numbness or other changes in skin sensitivity, skin depigmentation and/or prolonged swelling, asymmetry, dehiscence (reopening of a previously closed wound), necrosis of fatty tissue, damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles and lungs, pain that can last, deep vein thrombosis, heart and lung complications, suture threads that can spontaneously emerge in the skin, become visible or cause irritation requiring their removal and the possibility of another surgical procedure.

These complications can be found on the website of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – São Paulo Regional – at this link:

Unfortunately, there are no risk-free surgeries. However, you will always be able to count on our comprehensive support and professional service.

Surgeries are carried out after preparation, with preoperative tests, adequate hospital infrastructure and post-operative follow-up for the next few months, until the result stabilizes.